Verifiable Random Functions Explainer
This is an explainer of what a verifiable random function (VRF). It will also discuss unique signatures, as that is a related concept.
This is an explainer of what a verifiable random function (VRF). It will also discuss unique signatures, as that is a related concept.
Setting: Two parties P1 and P2 have lists A and B; both A and B are sorted. They want to merge the two lists A and B into a new list Arr so the result is still sorted. They don’t want to share their information, though, and they don’t want to do the computation themselves, so they delegate it. They secret-share A and B (still in sorted order!) among n helpers H1, H2, H3, up to Hn.
Published in PKC, 2020
In this paper, we provide the first definition of t-out-of-N threshold ring signatures against active<\em> adversaries who can participate in the system and arbitrarily deviate from the prescribed procedures. Second, we present a post-quantum secure realization based on any<\em> (post-quantum secure) trapdoor commitment, which we prove secure in the QROM. Our construction is black-box and it can be instantiated with any trapdoor commitment, thus allowing the use of a variety of hardness assumptions.
Recommended citation: Haque, Abida and Scafuro, Alessandra. "Logarithmic-size (linkable) threshold ring signatures in the plain model." PKC. 2020.
Published in WiSec, 2021
Cellular networks
Recommended citation: Haque, Abida, Varun Madathil, Bradley Reaves, Alessandra Scafuro. " Anonymous device authorization for cellular networks. " Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. 2021.
Published in Eurocrypt, 2022
A recent line of work, Stacked Garbled Circuit (SGC), showed that Garbled Circuit (GC) can be improved for functions that include exclusive conditional behavior. SGC relieves the communication bottleneck of 2PC by only sending enough garbled material for a single branch out of the $b$ total branches. Hence, communication is sublinear in the total circuit size. However, both the evaluator and the generator must pay in computation and perform at least factor $\log b$ {\em extra} work as compared to standard GC evaluation.
Recommended citation: Abida Haque, David Heath, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Rafail Ostrovsky, Akash Shah. Garbled Circuits With Sublinear Evaluator, Eurocrypt 2022.
Enlisted Mathematics and Specialized Instruction, Navy Nuclear Power School, 2010
Besides teaching mathematics and specialized instruction, I also made multimedia for the school.
Class, NC State, CSC, 2019
I wrote all the homework and guest taught a class on number theory.
Class, NC State, CSC116, 2023
Taught introduction course. Innovative pedagogies included a semi-flipped classroom with publicly available YouTube videos for the students, guided note-taking, and partially student-written exams.